During Si Gung's visit to our Copacabana unit, the VI Traditional Ceremony of the Moy Lin Mah family took place, like I said on the last post. Exactly one year after entering the family, there were me and Angela accessing Cham Kiu.
No sábado, após a chegada do Si Gung e Si Taai ao Rio, a Si Fu foi com eles ao Mo Gun para uma visita. Segundo a própria Si Fu, das últimas vezes que o Si Gung esteve no nosso Mo Gun, estava sempre muito cheio e ele não teve a oportunidade de ver bem os detalhes da nossa casa. Dessa vez, eles conseguiram até "ver o chão do Mo Gun"!
On Saturday, after Si Gung's and Si Taai's arrival in Rio, Si Fu took them for a visit of the Mo Gun. According to Si Fu herself, other times Si Gung came to our Mo Gun it was always so busy he couldn't quite look at the details in our house. This time, they were even able to "see the floor of the Mo Gun""
Si Gung e Si Taai, observados por Si Fu, prestam homenagem aos ancestrais Si Gung and Si Taai, being observed by Si Fu, pay homage to the ancestors |
Si Gung e Si Fu |
Si Fu, Si Taai e Si Gung conversando no Mo Gun Si Fu, Si Taai and Si Gung chatting in the Mo Gun |
Desejos de "boa sorte" de Si Taai e Si Gung "Good luck" wishes from Si Taai and Si Gung |
After the visit, Si Gung, Si Taai, Si Fu and Si Sok Ratts met us for lunch. I was already at the restaurant with Fernanda, where we met Rodolpho, who had arrived a bit earlier to see about the reservations, and a short while later arrived André, who would be going through his "second" Hoi Kuen later that night. To have lunch with them was very nice, with Si Fu, Si Gung and specially Si Taai sharing with us advices and "hints" for when Gabriel is born, come April.
Em seguida fomos para o hotel nos preparar para as atividades com Si Gung e Si Taai. Si Gung faria atividades sobre Siu Nim Tau, Cham Kiu e Biu Ji, divididas em 2 partes separadas, mas que acabaram se fundindo em uma grande conversa envolvendo todos. Alguns temas foram recorrentes em relação ao seminário de alguns meses atrás, mas dessa vez Si Gung falou bastante sobre a "dimensão kung fu", que está exemplificada muito bem no post do Si Hing Thiago Pereira.
After that we headed to the hotel to get ready for the activities with Si Gung and Si Taai. Si Gung would be involved in activities about Siu Nim Tau, Cham Kiu and Biu Ji, divided in 2 separate parts, but that finally merged into one big conversation envolving all. Some topics were expanded from the seminar a few months ago, but this time Si Gung talked a lot about the "kung fu dimension", which is very well explained in Si Hing Thiago Pereira's post.
Si Gung e Si Hing Thiago Pereira |
Paralelmente a Si Taai fez uma atividade com as crianças que praticam o Ving Tsun nos diversos núcleos da Moy Yat Ving Tsun no Rio de Janeiro, mas que também atraiu outros praticantes que já não são mais tão crianças, além de acompanhantes (esposas, maridos, namorados, namoradas, mães, pais e afins).
At the same time Si Taai had an activity with the children who are in Ving Tsun Experience from various Moy Yat Ving Tsun Rio de Janeiro units, which have also attracted some other practitioners who are not children anymore, besides companions (wives, husbands, boyfriends, firlfriends, mothers, fathers and the like).
Como as atividades da tarde demoraram um pouco pra começar, o término delas também foi ficando para mais tarde. Acabaram por volta as 17:30h, quando nesse horário já deveríamos estar organizando o San Toe no restaurante para preparar para a cerimônia à noite. Fui correndo ajudar o pessoal a organizar a cerimônia, corri para casa para me arrumar, e corri de volta para o hotel. Ainda fizemos alguns últimos ajustes, inclusive no formato da cerimônia, que seria dividida em duas partes (Hoi Kuen e acesso ao Cham Kiu) porque não caberiam todos os participantes da cerimônia ao mesmo tempo no espaço que tínhamos.
Since the afternoon activities took some time to start, their end time was also being delayed. They ended at around 5:30 PM, at which time we should already be organizing the San Toe in the restaurante to prepare for the ceremony at night. I rushed to help the people to organize the ceremony, then rushed home to get ready, and rushed back to the hotel. We atill made some last adjustments, even to the ceremony's format, which would then be divided in two parts (Hoi Kuen and access to Cham Kiu) because we wouldn't be able to fit all participants at the same time in the space we had.
Si Gung e Si Taai durante a cerimônia de Hoi Kuen Si Gung and Si Taai during the Hoi Kuen ceremony |
To the Hoi Kuen we had Francisco, Tereza, André, Rodrigo and Fred. Of the five, the only one I didn't have much contact previously was Tereza, but we were able to talk a lot during the preparations for the ceremony. Since I have been accompanying some Experience sessions frequently, I had the opportunity of practicing several times with the other four, and it was a great pleasure participating in the ceremony with them. Each one could share their observations about the Ving Tsun Experience, and also were able to listen to the words from the honorable guests: Si Baal Júlio Camacho and Si Baak Ricardo Queiroz.
Participantes da cerimônia de Hoi Kuen prestando homenagem aos ancestrais Participants of the Hoi Kuen ceremony pay homage to the ancestors |
Right after that was the time for the access to Cham Kiu ceremony, of which me and Angela were part. It was cool because we enetered the family in the same ceremony, last year and, even if we did not fo through Siu Nim Tau together, because of our schedules, we were able to make this passage together again.
No nosso caso, Si Gung solicitou que mostrássemos a forma do Siu Nim Tau. Nos levantamos das nossas cadeiras e íamos nos preparando para fazer ali por perto delas, mas o Si Gung pediu que nos aproximássemos mais do San Toe, e consequentemente deles: Si Gung e Si Taai, Si Fu e Sim Sam. Nisso eu fiquei exatamente à frente do Si Gung e, para quem até aquele momento estava bem tranquilo, foi no mínimo "interessante" apresentar o Siu Nim Tau *de frente* para o Si Gung. Às vezes dava até para percebê-lo balançando a cabeça, observando o que eu estava fazendo. Confesso que o coração acelerou naquele momento.
In our case, Si Gung asked us to show the Siu Nim Tau form. We stood up from our chairs and were about to do the form there, near them, but Si Gung asked us to come closer to the San Toe, and consequently to them: Si Gung and Si Taai, Si Fu and Sim Sam. With that I was standing right in front of Si Gung and, for someone who up to that moment was feeling pretty calm, it was at least "interesting" presenting the Siu Nim Tau *facing* Si Gung. Some times I could even notive him nodding his head, observing what I was doing. I have to confess that the heart sped up at that moment.
Depois da cerimônia tivemos um jantar e, logo em seguida, a comemoração do aniversário da Si Fu, que foi preparado por toda a família, com diversas homenagens por parte dos presentes. Foi muito bonito e emocionante, principalmente as palavras do Si Baak Júlio Camacho e do Si Gung.
After the ceremony we had dinner and, after that, Si Fu's birthday celebration, which was prepared by the whole family, with several homages from everyone there. It was very beautiful and touching, secially Si Baak Júlio Camacho's and Si Gung's words.
Si Fu recebe flores oferecidas por seus To Dai Si Fu receives flowers given by her To Dai |
Si Gung presenteou Si Fu com um quadro com fotos especiais Si Gung presented Si Fu with a frame with special photographs |
Si Gung, Si Gu, Sim Sam and Si Taai |
Parabéns à Si Fu! Happy Birthday Si Fu! |
The next day we had a group practice in Parque Lage, a beautiful place in Rio de Janeiro that I hadn't visited for ages. It was the first time I had contact with Si Gung during practice. Unfortunately no photos exist of the moment when he almost broke my arm... =]
Si Gung e Luciano |
Angela (que participou da cerimônia comigo) e Si Gung Angela (who participated in the ceremony with me) and Si Gung |
Helena e Si Gung |
Eu, Rodolpho, Angela, Rodrigo, Tereza e Lúcia observamos as explicações do Si Gung Me, Rodolpho, Angela, Rodrigo, Tereza and Lúcia observe Si Gung's explanations |
Mais uma vez houve uma atividade em paralelo coordenada pela Si Taai, na qual ela abordou "A Arte da Paz".
Once again there was a parallel activity coordinated by Si Taai, in which she addressed the "Art of Peace".
E, ao final, houve uma conversa com todos, na qual Si Taai e Si Gung abordaram em conjunto "As Artes da Guerra e da Paz", e como elas se complementam.
And in the end there was a conversation with all, in which Si Taai and Si Gung talked about "The Arts of War and of Peace", and how the complement each other.